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Paul Dwyer 公開講座暨大師班

公開講座 Public Seminar 
26.9.2023 (Tue)|8:00-9:30pm


Master Class: Staging the Texture of Texts in Documentary Theatre
第一及第二節 The 1st and 2nd Sessions

27 & 28.9.2023 (Wed & Thur) |7:30 – 10:30pm 
第三節 The 3rd Session

30.9.2023 (Sat) |2:00 – 5:00pm


Performance Lecture: The Bougainville Photoplay Project
30.9.2023 (Sat)|8:00 – 9:30pm

Paul Dwyer 博士是澳洲紀錄劇場及引錄劇場的先鋒之一,身兼作家、導演、戲劇構作及演員,作品曾於悉尼歌劇院、墨爾本藝術中心、悉尼藝術節、布里斯本藝術節等演出,現為悉尼大學戲劇及表演學系主任暨高級講師。Paul將會舉行公開講座,探討紀錄劇場的真實性;舉辦大師班,探索不同形式的紀錄素材;還會親身演繹其得獎作品《布干維爾島影像計劃》。

Dr. Paul Dwyer is one of Australia’s leading practitioners of documentary, verbatim and other forms of ‘non-fiction theatre’. Since 2004, he has worked as a writer, dramaturg, performer and director on over a dozen works, produced or presented by organisations such as Sydney Opera House, Arts Centre Melbourne, Brisbane Festival, Sydney Festival, and the Origins Festival (London Southbank). Paul is also a Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Discipline of Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Sydney. He will lead a public seminar and workshop on documentary theatre, with his award-winning performance lecture The Bougainville Photoplay Project as the finale of his visit.

公開講座 Public Seminar
紀錄劇場的真實與「真實效應」Truth and ‘Truth Effects’ in Documentary Theatre

Paul Dwyer將會透過展示他的表演及其他藝術家的作品片段,強調紀錄劇場創作人使用的技巧,其實與虛構表演的編劇和導演有不少相通之處。Paul將會檢視不同類型的演出,印證Janelle Reinelt所指,紀錄作品中存在的核心張力。

In this seminar, illustrated with excerpts from video documentation of Paul’s performances and other artists’ productions, Paul look at the extent to which documentary theatre-makers are using many of the same techniques as writers and directors of fictional performances. Looking closely at a diverse range of performances, Paul will draw out what Janelle Reinelt sees as the critical tension in documentary work between a “realist epistemology” and “phenomenological engagement”.

日期 Date:26.9.2023 (Tue)
時間 Time:8:00 – 9:30pm
地點 Venue:上環文娛中心展覽廳 Exhibition hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre (345, Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan)

免費入場 Free Admission


Master Class:Staging the Texture of Texts in Documentary Theatre




In these workshop sessions, Paul will bring participants to explore some of the general principles of creating documentary theatre work while focusing on the specific challenges posed by different types of documentary source materials: (i) autobiographical stories, (ii) interviews, and (iii) ‘found’ archival materials. We will look at how to generate, edit and shape such materials into a performance text. There is just as much information to be found in the ‘texture’ of the source materials as there is in their ideational content. Indeed, the key to making beautiful, compelling, transformative documentary theatre is often to play with these textures until a form imposes itself on the social content of the work, rather than trying to bend the content too soon into a neatly organised argument.

第一及第二節 The 1st and 2nd Sessions

日期 Date:27 & 28.9.2023 (Wed & Thur)

時間 Time:7:30 10:30pm

地點 Venue:上環文娛中心展覽廳 Exhibition Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre (345, Queen’s Road Central, Sheung Wan)


第三節 The 3rd Session*

日期Date:30.9.2023 (Sat)

時間Time:2:00 – 5:00pm


Wu Wu Theatre Hub (6F, Block A, Marvel Industrial Building, 25-31 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, NT)

*使用大師班套票優惠的工作坊學員須出席同晚於研習室,Paul Dwyer親自演出表演講《布干維爾島影像計劃》。

*There is a lecture performance The Bougainville Photoplay Project, created and performed by Paul Dwyer this evening at this venue. Workshop participants who attend all 3 sessions can attend the performance lecture.


每節費用 Fee per Session

$700 / $550 (一條褲之友 Friends of Pants) 

$350(全日制學生 Full-time students)


套票優惠 Discount Package

(共三節 All 3 Session)

 $2000 / $1600(一條褲之友 Friends of Pants)

$800(全日制學生 Full-time students)

表演講《布干維爾島影像計劃》Performance Lecture: The Bougainville Photoplay Project


Paul Dwyer追溯了他父親Allan Dwyer在1960年代前往布干維爾地區(巴布亞新幾內亞)的旅程。他父親是一位享譽世界的骨科醫生,曾在布干維爾地區為許多患有小兒麻痺症的孩子進行手術,令他們康復重生。然而,這些個人故事很快就與澳洲在該地區的殖民史糾纏在一起:極具爭議的巨大銅礦場開始營運,環境遭受破壞,布干維爾居民奮起抵抗,還有一場造成了多達20,000人死亡的戰爭。自2004年,Paul Dwyer前往布干維爾地區進行研究,探討戰後和解的過程,並追蹤他父親與布干維爾孩子之間那些被遺忘已久的相遇。


「形式介乎溫馨的大學教學和旅遊幻燈片秀之間,Paul Dwyer博士的《布干維爾島影像計劃》透過影像述說復和公義的過程。它易於理解,幽默感十足,且令人感動。)《悉尼先驅晨報》


「Paul Dwyer博士重新發明了劇場。」《嘩然網上雜誌》


In this intimate “performance lecture”, Paul Dwyer retraces the journeys made by his father, Dr Allan Dwyer, to the region of Bougainville (Papua New Guinea) during the 1960s. Dr Dwyer (Senior) was at this time a world-renowned orthopaedic surgeon: the operations he performed in Bougainville helped dozens of children to recover from the crippling effects of polio. These personal stories, however, soon become entangled with the larger narrative of Australia’s colonial involvement in the region: the opening of the giant Panguna copper mine, environmental devastation and Bougainvillean resistance, a war that cost the lives of up to 20,000 people. Since 2004, Paul Dwyer has been making his own journeys to Bougainville, conducting research on the post war reconciliation process and following the impact of those long-forgotten encounters between his father and the Bougainvillean children.


“Pitched somewhere between cosy university tutorial and travelogue slide show, Dr Paul Dwyer's Bougainville Photoplay Project is an illustrated account of restorative justice in action. It is accessible, disarmingly funny and affecting.” Sydney Morning Herald


“Dr Paul Dwyer reinvents theatre.” Crikey


日期 Date:30.9.2023 (星期六 Sat)

時間 Time:8:00 – 9:30pm

地點 Venue:胡胡研習室(新界葵芳葵豐街25-31號華業工業大廈A座6樓F室)

Wu Wu Theatre Hub (6F, Block A, Marvel Industrial Building, 25-31 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, NT)

演出約75分鐘,設演後分享 Duration: 75 Minutes, with post-performance talk

免費入場 Free Admission

項目計劃資助 Project Grant


Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme

​HKSAR Government 香港特別行政區政府 

主辦 Presenter


一   條   褲   製   作   為    藝    發    局    資    助    團    體

Pants Theatre Production is financially supported by HKADC

宣傳伙伴 Promotion Partners





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